Thermoforming film for automatic vacuum machine packaging.

vacuum filmThe transparent vacuum film should allow good visual presentation of the product, maximum shelf life and freshness of the product, as well as protection from humidity, air, strange flavors and mechanical protection. Unlike the vacuum bags which are used for packing in single chamber and double chamber vacuum machines, vacuum film is used for packing with fully automatic vacuum lines.

transparent vacuum film

For this kind of packing are used two types of film: Top web and bottom web.

Bottom web should be thicker and strong enough to last through the process of thermoforming. With the new technology of vacuum film manufacture, the bottom web can have from 3 to 15 layers of material, depending on the desired barrier. The most common structure of vacuum film used for food packaging is polyamid (PA), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and ethylvinyl alcohol (EVOH). Depending on the extrusion and the type of product that is being packed, the thickness of this film can very from 80 to 240 microns.

top web gold

Top web can be transparent, opaque, gold or printed, according to the client’s needs. Usually the thickness of the top web varies from 25 to 100 microns, which is strong enough, because this film doesn’t undergo the process of thermoforming.

Vivavak Kompani offers top and bottom web with width from 70 to 460mm, and thickness from 60 to 240microns. The film’s origin is from European Union and has all the certificates and declarations that are necessary. It has excellent quality, even extrusion and great transparency.

vacuum film

Check out the video to see how the process of packing with a fully automatic thermoforming vacuum line looks like!

Vacuum film for packaging with thermoforming vacuum machines.

thermoforming film

What is vacuum packaging?

Vacuum packaging means evacuating the air out of certain area. In food industry, this way of packaging means removing the air out of the product packaging right before sealing. This method can be manual and automatic. Vacuum bags are used in the manual method, and vacuum film is used in the automatic method.

There are multiple ways of separating vacuum film:

1. According to purpose:

  • Bottom film – the film that forms inside certain molds that we fill with products;
  • Top film – used for sealing with the bottom film and doesn’t form.

2. According to thickness:

  • Soft film – from 20 to 240 microns;
  • Rigid film – from 240 microns onwards.

3. According to composition:

  • PA/PE – combination of polyamid and polyethylen;
  • PE/PA/EVOH/PA/PE – combination of polyethylen, polyamid and ethylvinyl alcohol;
  • PP/PA/EVOH/PA/PP – combination of polypropylen, polyamid and ethylvinyl alcohol.

4. According to layers: 3-layer, 5-layer, 7-layer, 11-layer, 14-layer, etc.

5. According to barrier properties:

  • Full barrier film;
  • Semi-barrer film.

vacuum film

The film can be transparent or in multiple colors, as well as printed, depending on the client’s needs. Besides protecting the product from atmospheric conditions, the vacuum film should also obtain promotional values for the product itself.

To make sure that your vacuum film satisfies all this criteria, turn to Vivavak Kompani.